Medical partnerships
Dr. Beate Oppermann
Dr. Beate Oppermann
I established a partnership with Dr. Oppermann because I believe the combined approach of general medicine with naturopathy is the best solution to address our wellbeing.
“Chronic diseases occur over many years and always have a variety of causes.
The model of the rain barrel represents this vividly.
Over a lifetime, there are many things that can damage a person. This begins in the womb, where heavy metals overcome the placental barrier and harm the infant.
Throughout life chemical toxins, virus – and bacterial infections and heavy metals from various sources are added to the human body. Then the famous straw that breaks the camel’s back is sufficient to trigger the disease.
Causes are then mostly psychological stress or an acute infection.
My therapy is to bring the body back into balance.
I achieve this by various detoxifying process and immunomodulatory therapies.
A variety of testing procedures such as the Global Diagnostics and Voll’s Electrical System Diagnostic, stool flora analysis, and of course all known tests from conventional medicine are used.
In particular, the immune system gets special attention.
Although my goal is to achieve a cure by activating the self-healing powers, a parallel treatment with allopathic drugs is required in advanced diseases. However, this takes place in a low as possible dose and only with bioidentical preparations.”
Healing Methods
Huneke’s Neural Therapy
Voll’s Electronic System Diagnostic
Chelate Therapy
Global Diagnostics
For more information please visit:
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Dr. Thomas Nesselhut
Dr. Thomas Nesselhut
I established a partnership with Dr. Thomas Nesselhut and his clinic because I believe that cellular immunotherapy with dendritic cells is the most complete and non-toxic response to fight cancer.
Cellular Immunotherapy is a medical response that defends that the way to combat disease should be made acting directly on the immune system.
When we are sick it’s because the immune system (our protector against external and internal attacks) is weakened and can’t fulfill its role as our guardian.
The solution is to repair the immune system so it can fight disease. We address the root of the problem instead of focusing on the symptoms that the disease triggers.
Thus the fight against cancer diseases as well as several other is possible by reprogramming the immune system. It is a “tailor-made” solution; unique to each person. The example that best illustrates this solution is the comparison between having a suit made by a tailor, or buy it already made at a regular clothes shop.
Dendritic cell vaccine to fight cancer
To reprogram the immune system of a cancer patient, a blood sample is taken from the patient. These blood cells are cultivated t in the laboratory, where diverse tumor information is given to them. These cells are then programmed to know which are the enemy cells that need to be destroyed and which cells are part of the immune system and should be preserved.
After this reprogramming , these cells are returned to the patient in the form of a vaccine given intradermally. Once returned to the body these cells are spread by the blood and lymphatic systems, thus passing the message to all cells of the immune system with the new instructions of which cells to preserve and which to attack.
This form of treatment is completely non-toxic and does not produce side effects apart from brief flu-like symptoms.
Professor Fred Fändrich
Professor Fred Fändrich
Professor Fred Fändrich is a specialist in autoimmune and degenerative illnesses. His approach to diseases is governed by the principles of integrative medicine: a holistic medical approach that treats the body as a whole and the person as a unique being.
His medical concept and treatment philosophy focuses on two platforms: 1- the use of individual cellular products (produced from the patient’s own blood) and 2 – in regulating the cell environment of the various organs and tissues. To this end, he has developed several unique treatment protocols (based on natural compounds such as amino acids, growth factors, enzymes and proteins) that generate metabolic and immune functions that are essential to the maintenance of our well-being and which stop and reverse the disease onset.
Which diseases are included in this therapeutic approach?
- Cardiovascular alterations and disorders
- Lung alterations and disorders
- Autoimmune diseases
- Degenerative diseases
- Acute and chronic inflammatory lesions
- Endocrine disorders
- Neurological system disorders: Parkinson, Alzheimer and Stroke
Professor Fändrich is the President of the European Society for Autoimmune Disease (EGAI) and is one of the five opinion leaders of the World Transplant Society, Oxford, UK.
He is the Director of the Dept. of Applied Cellular Medicine, at the University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany and the founder of Blasticon, the owner of a patented technology with monocytes: mature white blood cells.
He has published many scientific papers and clinical reviews under references for Transplantation, Oncology, Regenerative and Cellular Medicine, Immunotherapy and made several contributions to clinical reference books.
Dr. Meike Wiedemann - Neurofeedback
Dr. Wiedemann
Neurofeedback was a life-saver for me, so naturally I’m always looking forward to establish partnerships with highly qualified practitioners in this area.
Dr. Wiedemann is an associate of EEG Info founded by Drs. Siegfried and Susan Othmer pioneers in new Neurofeedback techniques such as Infra Low Frequency (ILF), which is in my opinion an incredible breakthrough that I have tried and strongly recommend.
“Through my training and work as a neurobiologist my thinking and acting is based in the scientific world view, which, of course, is constantly evolving and also on the current neurosciences findings. Most of all, I’ve always been fascinated by the plasticity of the brain and the resulting possibilities for therapy, rehabilitation or simply personal development.”
“My scientific work mainly influences the way I understand the brain and Neurofeedback. As a neurobiologist, I have spent more than 15 years in basic and preclinical research. During this time I have learned to see the brain above all as a self-organized system. In this sense, I also understand Neurofeedback as a method that interacts with the self-organization processes in the brain.”
“This means that in daily practice with Neurofeedback, I do not expect a patient’s response to a particular Neurofeedback protocol to be predictable or that every patient immediately responds to training. On the contrary; patients react quite individually and sometimes very specifically to different training parameters. Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to adapt the training process-oriented to the specific reactions of the patient in order to achieve the best possible self-regulatory brain capacity.”
Book contributions:
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BrainTrainUK - Neurofeedback
What is Neurofeedback and how does it work?
Neurofeedback is a therapeutic intervention to improve brain function and regulation.
Neurofeedback regulates and stabilises brain activity, so it can be used successfully to treat a range of symptoms and conditions associated with brain de-regulation. It works by providing high quality feedback directly to the brain allowing it to use its self-regulating mechanism to learn how to work better.
The sensors we attach to your scalp are simply there to listen to the brain; there is no stimulation or signal transmitted by the equipment: it can be thought of simply as a kind of ‘stethoscope’ to see or listen to the brainwaves. The brain does all the real work, adapting in response to the feedback.
You simply have to relax and watch a DVD or play a specially designed game into which the Neurofeedback information is cleverly incorporated.
As the client relaxes, the brain ‘tunes in’ to this feedback and adjusts in response. It is this positive reinforcement in the form of sensory feedback that trains the brain to correct any irregular behaviour it may have been exhibiting.
To learn more about Neurofeedback and how it works, click here
What Clinical Conditions Can Be Improved with Neurofeedback ?
Neurofeedback regulates and stabilises brain activity, so it can be used successfully to treat a range of symptoms and conditions associated with brain de-regulation.
Neurofeedback has been used for many years to help with symptoms of the following physiological and mental health conditions:
- Alcohol Abuse – to learn more click here
- Anger – to learn more click here
- Anxiety – to learn more click here
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder – to learn more click here
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders – to learn more click here
- Brain Injury – to learn more click here
- ‘Chemo Brain’ (Post Cancer Cognitive Impairment) – to learn more click here
- Dementia – to learn more click here
- Depression – to learn more click here
- Post Natal Depression – to learn more click here
- Down syndrome – to learn more click here
- Eating Disorders – to learn more click here
- Epilepsy – to learn more click here
- Fibromyalgia – to learn more click here
- Migraine – to learn more click here
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – to learn more click here
- Parkinson’s Disease – to learn more click here
- Pre-Menstrual syndrome (PMS) & Menopause – to learn more click here
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – to learn more click here
- Sleep Disturbances – to learn more click here
- Smoking – to learn more click here
- Stress – to learn more click here
- Tinnitus – to learn more click here
- Tourette’s syndrome – to learn more click here
- Vertigo – to learn more click here
Peak Perfomance – sport and business performance
Neurofeedback is an evidence-based technology used by sporting champions and increasingly by executives and business people serious about their careers. By giving the brain direct feedback on how it is working, we can train it to work better so you perform better.
Neurofeedback can be used to ‘tune’ well-functioning brains to perform at their peak.
Neurofeedback has been used by an increasing variety of clients seeking peak performance:
- This Wall Street Journal article describes how professional and amateur golfers are using Neurofeedback to maximise their performance.
- The Italian football team that won the 2006 World Cup used Neurofeedback, described
- Chelsea FC are believed to have been using Neurofeedback since 2009 in the “Mind Room” set up by Bruno Demichelis who first applied the technology as Head of Sports Science at AC Milan.
US Special Forces
- Dr Jim Hardt describes how he worked with Colonel John Alexander to develop a programme for US Special Forces. This work is described in the original Men Who Stare at Goats book.
To learn more about Peak Performance click here
BrainTrainUK –
BrainTrainUK is one of Europe’s leading practices offering ILF Neurofeedback.
Founded by Stuart Black in 2013, BrainTrainUK is the UK’s leading practice and Stuart is the UK’s most experienced ILF practitioner.
BrainTrainUK is a team-based practice, its 6 practitioner’s cone from a variety of backgrounds and include a Medical Doctor, Cognitive Neuroscientist, Educational Psychologist and Psychologist.
BrainTrainUK has clinics in London and around London, also offers a premium service where the practitioner will come to you.
In the near future BrainTrainUK will have regular clinics in Portugal.
To learn more about BrainTrainUK visit: